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Chapter 66: Confession(2 / 2)

br> In tters of love, when a won continuously retreats, wantin no connection with the n, and the n persists in his pursuit, his unwaverin deternation ensures he won''''t let o.


Once he de up his nd, it was for a lifeti.


The baoo stands tall an the steep reen untains, its toothlike roots anchored firy in the cracked rock below.


It reins sturdy despite bein constantly battered by the elents, whether frothe north, the south, the east, or the west.


Even thouh the won with whohe fell in love had a traic past and ettin rried to her appeared iossible, he had de up his nd that she would be his wife for the rest of his life. He had de up his nd to wed her, and he would.


He would use all of his expertise and accolishnts to defend her, even if there were iendin stor. He believed he could protect her.


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