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Chapter 64:Warning The Landl(2 / 2)

ess towards enees, he can''''t be kind to his benefactors. Those without the ability to resist will suffer, as will those around the especially those closest to the



It had been a lon ti since she last visited this secret arden, and it seed she was intentionally avoidin this place, fearin she ht never return. The youn ster stood alone in this place filled with their fondest ries, bitterly slin. When had he beco soone that won would desperately avoid? He will o to the untain if the untain doesn''''t co to hi He had no choice but to o to the entertainnt parlor to find her aain.



She understood why he didn''''t co to the entertainnt parlor and always waited for her at the secret arden instead. When he bean to confess his feelins, she exposed his hidden tives with a sinle sentence.


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