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Chapter 50: Fourth Meet(2 / 2)

talent and aition are not inferior to any n.


But in front of this youn ster, his every ve and word de her feel ashad and inferior, rendin her to be aware of her identity constantly. So people are born a person everyone''''s proud of, but she knows that she cannot coete with fate once she encounters a powerful opponent, no tter how hard she strules and how arroant she is. It''''s like her current situation. No tter how hard she strules, she cannot escape the fate of bein abandoned by everyone.


The world is so ridiculous. Those who have enouh to eat and drink can die of overeatin, while those who are starvin can die of huner. When she was youn, she lacked ney the st and struled on the ede of warh and cold, but no one ever ave her a cent. Now she has plenty of ney, but those youn sters who co to ive her cash are still flockin to her without end.


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