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Chapter 11: First Meet(2 / 2)

e see as pure as the lted snow water froSnow Mountain and appears to be unstained and flawless.


His heart is as clear as the liid sprin water and could be seen throuh by her. This kind of person is the st self-conceit and belittles others.


He sled lihtly, with forlities and politeness, but no obsession, like the obsession in the eyes of the youn n around hi There seed to be a sliht distance in his behavior.


She has been in this industry for so ny years and has seen a lot of people. She''''s very experienced and eloquent. How ny n have fallen for her? She had seen a lot of thins, and the last thin she lacked was soone who couldn''''t take their eyes off her.


Suddenly she saw a pair of eyes as clear as the liid sprin water. She had an instant ood opinion of hi so she sled politely at hi


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